Reference Material and manuals
AmigaDevHelp Large collection of AmigaOS3 (and before) documentation including a large number of examples.
Natami/Amiga developer docs HTML versions of the official AmigaOS manuals from Commodore as well as the hardware reference manual and a guide to the m68k instruction set.
AROS Wiki Book User guide for AROS, which contains a significant section on developing for AROS. The “porting” section has relevant information for updating old Amiga software to more recent AmigaOS3 or 4 setups as well (information on differences between SAS/C and gcc, most of which applies to vbcc too, in particular)
Documentation of the AMOS file formats - AMOS is a BASIC style language for the Amiga with extensive graphics and sound support; this documentation is most interesting for people who wish to manipulate source code written in AMOS in external tools.
Writing a compiler Chris Gray's tutorial for writing a compiler for the Amiga (for a language called “Toy” designed for the tutorial) in Draco.
OS Software updates
Source Code
Aminet is a good source for programs including source code. The list below is intended to cover non-Aminet sources only:
Dice C Compiler For m68k. Compiler is probably outdated for most use today, but source might be interesting.
Amiga Open Source List of Amiga open source projects, specifically projects with no or outdated AROS versions.
AWeb Source for th AWeb web browser
HD-Rec Major music app written using AmiBlitz3
Michael Sinz' Enforcer page Enforcer is a MMU tool for the classic Amigas to identify memory related bugs - this page has the source code; For current use Muforce may be a better alternative.
Assembler page Bunch of assembly resources, mainly for “classic” 68k AmigaOS
Vasm A highly portable and retargetable assembler that also supports Amiga
Tags in PCQ German article on using taglists in PCQ (pascal compiler)
JForth Now freeware Forth compiler for Amiga
pForth Public domain portable ANS Forth written in C w/source.
M2Amiga Now open source version of the M2Amiga Modula 2 compiler
Aztec Museum Mostly of historic interest. Archive of old Aztec C compilers, including the Amiga version.
AmiForce Mostly German language site hosting the main AmiBlitz forums