====== Links related to developing on/for Amiga ====== See also [[sdk|the SDK installation page]] ===== Reference Material and manuals ===== * [[http://amiga.sourceforge.net/amigadevhelp/|AmigaDevHelp]] Large collection of AmigaOS3 (and before) documentation including a large number of examples. * [[http://code.google.com/p/guidetoamigacompatibleprogramming/source/browse/#svn/trunk/|Guide to Amiga Compatible Programming]] * [[http://www.natami.net/dev/|Natami/Amiga developer docs]] HTML versions of the official AmigaOS manuals from Commodore as well as the hardware reference manual and a guide to the m68k instruction set. * [[http://amigadev.elowar.com/|Amiga Developer Docs]] - Another source for the official AmigaOS manuals * [[http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Aros|AROS Wiki Book]] User guide for AROS, which contains a significant section on developing for AROS. The "porting" section has relevant information for updating old Amiga software to more recent AmigaOS3 or 4 setups as well (information on differences between SAS/C and gcc, most of which applies to vbcc too, in particular) * [[http://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/AMOS_file_formats|Documentation of the AMOS file formats]] - AMOS is a BASIC style language for the Amiga with extensive graphics and sound support; this documentation is most interesting for people who wish to manipulate source code written in AMOS in external tools. * [[http://amigan.1emu.net/aw/|Amigan's Abandonware page]] has some Amiga manuals/books. * [[http://lclevy.free.fr/amiga/formats.html|Amiga File Formats]] Lists specs, utilities etc. for accessing Amiga file formats. ===== Tutorials ===== * [[http://www.pcguru.plus.com/tutorial/amiga_c.html|Peter Hutchison's Amiga C Tutorial]] * [[http://www.ast-workshops.co.uk/os4pg/|Amiga OS4 Programming Guide]] Project to create a set of tutorials on C programming for AmigaOS4. * [[http://www.liquido2.com/tutorial/index.html|An Introduction to AMIGA Programming Using C by Michael Ness]] Covers up to and including AmigaOS4. * [[http://w3.norman-interactive.com/C-Kurs.html|Amiga C Kurs fuer Einsteiger]] German programming tutorial for Amiga * [[http://www.mways.co.uk/amiga/howtocode/|How To Code V7]] Extensive tutorial / e-book on Amiga development * [[http://www.graysage.com/cg/Compilers/Toy/index.html|Writing a compiler]] Chris Gray's tutorial for writing a compiler for the Amiga (for a language called "Toy" designed for the tutorial) in Draco. * [[http://members.cox.net/midian/tutorials/arexx1.htm|ARexx Tutorial]] Chris Patterson's two part ARexx tutorial. * ===== OS Software updates ===== * [[http://os.amigaworld.de/index.php?lang=en&page=37|AmigaOS 3.1 updates]] * [[http://os.amigaworld.de/index.php?lang=en&page=18|AmigaOS 3.5 updates]] * [[http://os.amigaworld.de/index.php?lang=en&page=12|AmigaOS 3.9 updates]] * [[http://lilliput.host-cafe.com/start.htm|Unofficial AmigaOS 3.9 updates]] ===== Source Code ==== Aminet is a good source for programs including source code. The list below is intended to cover non-Aminet sources only: * [[http://www.paulkienitz.net/amiga.html|Amiga Software by Paul Kienitz]] * [[http://www.obviously.com/dice/|Dice C Compiler]] For m68k. Compiler is probably outdated for most use today, but source might be interesting. * [[http://cyberpingui.free.fr/rsources.htm|Reverse engineered Amiga "Cracktros"]] * [[http://beust.com/weblog/2010/03/16/amiga-mui-and-code-nostalgia/|Blog entry w/source links (Aminet and Github) for "Banker"]] * [[http://www.ignorantus.com/triumph/index.html|Source code and Youtube videos for demos by Triumph]] * [[http://trac.yam.ch/|YAM - Yet Another Mailer]] Major example of a current Amiga app that's portable to the various AmigaOS-like OS's. * [[http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=13419|Assembly source for Protracker]] * [[http://www.tesandco.co.uk/programming.htm|Some Amiga Basic programs]] * [[http://www.aosys.org/rev1/amiga.html|Sceptre of Shalimar]] AmigaBasic game w/source * [[http://www.angelfire.com/amiga/monkian_2000/programming/amos.html|Various AMOS sourcecode]] Including spatial sound. * [[http://www.reocities.com/SiliconValley/Campus/6256/amos.html|AMOS sourcecode for Midi Companion, W-Lib and others]] as well as disk mags. * [[http://amigan.1emu.net/releases/|Amigan Software]] Software releases from Amigan Software, most with source. * [[http://github.com/vidarh/ACE|Source code for ACE basic compiler]] * [[http://github.com/vidarh/FrexxEd|Source code for Frexx editor]] * [[http://www.blackfiveservices.co.uk/amiga-c/|Amiga C Source Repository]] * [[http://www.mazze-online.de/aros/oss_amiga.html|Amiga Open Source]] List of Amiga open source projects, specifically projects with no or outdated AROS versions. * [[http://members.home.nl/m.reestman/asmpro.html|Asm Pro]] Assembler IDE * [[http://www.xs4all.nl/~yrozijn/aweb/|AWeb]] Source for th AWeb web browser * [[http://testaware.bplaced.net/Amiga/amiga.htm|Testaware Amiga projects]] A selection of Amiga Basic, AMOS, AMOSPro and asm games and tools, including source. * [[http://groups.google.com/group/comp.sources.amiga/topics?start=930&sa=N|comp.sources.amiga archive]] Link to the earliest Google Groups archived messages of comp.sources.amiga (now defunkt) * [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/hd-rec/|HD-Rec]] Major music app written using AmiBlitz3 * [[http://www.cu-amiga.co.uk/features/c-tutorial.html|CU Amiga C Tutorial source code]] ===== Misc ===== * [[http://amiga.sourceforge.net/|Amiga ports]] including gcc and ixemul and lots more. * [[http://wiki.ooo4kids.org/index.php/EnvironmentSetup/AmigaOS|Page tracking effort to port OOo4Kids to AmigaOS4]] contains an outsider view of getting started, including some solutions and links to external resources. * [[http://home.comcast.net/~ktadd/favorites/Amiga_Development_Hotlist.html|Ktadd's Amiga OS4 Development Hotlist]] * [[http://www.amigacoding.com/|Amiga Coding]] Wiki * [[http://www.sinz.org/Michael.Sinz/Enforcer/index.html|Michael Sinz' Enforcer page]] Enforcer is a MMU tool for the classic Amigas to identify memory related bugs - this page has the source code; For current use Muforce may be a better alternative. * [[http://wandel.ca/homepage/execdis/|Commented disassembly]] of Kickstart 1.3 and a variety of other old Amiga system software. * [[http://www.algonet.se/~chaozer/assembler.shtml|Assembler page]] Bunch of assembly resources, mainly for "classic" 68k AmigaOS * [[http://sun.hasenbraten.de/vasm/|Vasm]] A highly portable and retargetable assembler that also supports Amiga * [[http://www.amigagadget.de/32/prg.tagsinpcq.html|Tags in PCQ]] German article on using taglists in PCQ (pascal compiler) * [[http://www.softsynth.com/jforth/|JForth]] Now freeware Forth compiler for Amiga * [[http://www.softsynth.com/pforth/|pForth]] Public domain portable ANS Forth written in C w/source. * [[http://m2amiga.claudio.ch/|M2Amiga]] Now open source version of the M2Amiga Modula 2 compiler * [[http://www.aztecmuseum.ca/|Aztec Museum]] Mostly of historic interest. Archive of old Aztec C compilers, including the Amiga version. ===== Developer focused community sites ===== * [[http://www.amiforce.de/|AmiForce]] Mostly German language site hosting the main AmiBlitz forums * [[http://www.ezcyberspace.com/mos-dev/|MorphOS Development Wiki]] MorphOS development community site