====== Automating tasks with Arexx ====== .. while you can use a variety of scripting languages to automate tasks on the Amiga, the most common option for Amiga users is ARexx. OS/2 users, or sysadmins with experience from larger IBM systems might be familiar with Rexx, which is where ARexx originates from. For OS/X users, the nearest equivalent is AppleScript. Most Amiga applications have an ARexx port which can be used to remote control them. Many of these applications can also execute ARexx scripts directly. FIXME quick introduction to the *really* basic stuff ===== Resources ===== * [[http://members.cox.net/midian/tutorials/arexx1.htm|ARexx tutorial]] * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARexx|The ARexx page at Wikipedia]] provides some basic information